Online Astrology

Marriage Compatability
Send the details of boy and girl, Three horoscope matching to check to 7th & 9th Bhava Compatiblity and to Check all Dhosas.
Rs. 1500
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Creating Horoscope
108 pages of complete detailed horoscope calculation along with Anthara and Sukshama, Soft copy will be sent to your email id
Rs. 2500
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Naming a child according to Numberology
Send the birth details of the child and we will send you three hindu names also send us your preference of the names.
Rs. 3500
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Fixing a date for caesarean
We will Give three dates and timing. Based on Mother and Father horoscope, we will provide the most auspicious time.
Rs. 3000
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Google Meet or Zoom Consultation
Send your horoscope and we will schedule the Google or zoom meeting. You will 10 minutes of prediction and can ask questions.
Rs. 5000
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About Dr. Acharrya Haresh Raman
The luck favors them who do their part of duty. Astrology lights up the path of human race by applying the ancient knowledge to the human life. Astrology is a super-science. Whereas Science tries to explore the human body, Astrology understands human life
Know About Astrology
Dr. Acharrya Haresh Raman make a comparative analysis based on KP Stellar Astrology to arrive at greater accuracy in giving predictions and advice. Also, we correct the spelling of the name of any person such that it will be filled with positive energies. As a result the person will be blessed with overall prosperity, health and wealth. We also provide remedial measures and suggest special prayers to achieve your goals. This is all according to Vedic knowledge descending from great seers of India.

Our Services
We provide various astrology services including Astrology predictions, Careers predictions, Numerology,
Vastu Sastra and Marriage Horoscope checking.

Numero Astrology
In numerology, the essence of every personality is found in the Life Path number. Usage of wrong number throughout your life will lead to serious obsatacles and challenges. We can help you to tweak your name to use the number that fits you best according to.
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Vastu Shastra
Vastu and jyotish (Astrology) cannot do without each other. Since they are like air and water; they are guiding factors. In the socio-economic context of the ancient and middle ages. jyotish (Astrology) and thus is old as the Vedas themselves.
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Career Astrology
Your Career and Work Report looks at your calling or vacation in life. It outlines what talents you uniquely possess that will lead you to a fulfilling career and work life.Ideally there should be no separation between who you are and how you make a living in this world.
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